TCM Consultation - The pioneer of treatment
TCM consultation is important
Any treatment methods used by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, including Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Gua Sha, or Cupping, especially Chinese Herbal medicine, need an explicit diagnosis. It becomes a general guidance which influence the technique used on the same point or same meridian, as well as on selecting ingredients in a prescription in order to obtain optimum effectiveness from the treatment accordingly.
Human body itself is an individual small world, if we don't know yin or yang, exterior or interior, cold or heat, deficiency or excess inside, any treatment might be a blind treatment. In TCM Rehab Clinic, we strictly practice on aiming the target, and give out self-care advice, provide you a health preserving plan that suits you.
About four examination methods
A Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner would not give treatment hastily without analyzing syndrome differentiation to a patient. The four diagnostic methods are inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry, pulse-taking and palpation, They are the key presuppositions of making a correct differentiation or diagnosis and treatment principle.
"If you want to know the internal conditions of the body, the external manifestations of the body should be observed; if you want to diagnose the external parts of the body may also need to know the internal conditions. That is because the internal conditions of the body are always reflected on the exterior of the body".. ----- Danxi's Experience on Medicine (from Dan Xi Xin Fa).
Inspection is one kind of examining method which is applied to knowing the condition of disease by means of doctor’s visual sense to look over the vitality, color, figure, posture of patient’s whole or partial body and the changes of the figuration, color, texture and quality of the patient’s discharges.
Auscultation is to find the abnormal sound of speech, respiration and cough etc. by means of hearing. Olfaction is to know the smell of the patient’s body, the secretion and excreta by means of smelling.
Interrogation is to know the onset, development, treatment, present symptoms and other information of disease by questioning patient or the accompanying person or family member for diagnosis.
Palpation includes pulse examination and body pressing or touching. They are diagnostic methods that doctor uses his tactile sensation of fingers and palm to touch patient’s body include skin, hands and feet, chest and abdomen and so on to get diagnostic data. Pulse examination is to use fingers to measure the patient's radial artery on both side of wrist. The purpose of this measurement is to obtain the position, strength , alternation form of pulsing in order to analyze body qi and blood changes, distinguish affected body parts and syndrome of differentiation.
When a disease occurs, an abnormal outward manifestations from which the pathological changes may be inferred. The four diagnostic methods may help to examine and learn about the pathological conditions from different angle and aspect,also help to gain the information of etiology and pathogenesis, They cannot be separated from one another, each having its specific function that cannot be substituted for the others. In clinical practice, only when the four techniques are organically combined can a disease be understood all-sidedly, assuredly a correct diagnosis can be made.
The four methods mentioned above are merged into individual diagnosis prior to treatment, but the sequence of Inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry, palpation may vary. Based on practitioners experience or typical feature of certain conditions, a practitioner might quickly distinguish what is the primary problem need to be solved first, and give treatment immediately. Therefore, the duration for TCM consultation is average about 15-30 minutes. If you are receiving herbal medicine for your health issue, a repeating consultation may apply unless it's a refill prescription.
Please click the link to book your TCM consultation, or call the clinic directly.